U.N. Abbreviations - E

Abbreviations and Acronyms used on Origin Cachets, Bar Codes, Conference Cancels and Cachets, etc.-

Where used: UNNY-UN New York OC-Origin Cachet Language: Eng.-English Gr.-German
UNG-UN Geneva BC-Bar Code Fr.-French Sp.-Spanish
CC-Corner Card RM-Receiving Mark It.-Italian Por.-Portugese
DM-Dispatching Mark UNV-UN Vienna Sw.-Swedish
LON-League of Nations FF-Free Frank
CON-Conference Cancel or Cachet, etc.

Abbreviation Where Used Language Meaning Image
EACFSICAO DM Eng. East African Civil Flying School, Uganda 
EASMATILO CC Eng. East Asia Multidisciplinary Advisory Team 
EC.LON OC Fr. Economic Relations Section 
ECAUN BC Eng. Economic Commission for Africa 
 ECA DM Eng. Economic Commission for Africa 
ECACUNMIK OC Eng. Election Complaints & Appeals Sub-Commission 
ECAFEECAFE OC Eng. Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East (1947-1974) 
 ECAFE CON Eng. Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East 
ECEUNG OC Eng. Economic Commission for Europe 
 UN BC Eng. Economic Commission for Europe 
 ECE CON Eng. Economic Commission for Europe 
E.C.E./CO.UNG OC Eng. E.C.E. ? 
E.C.E./INF.UNG OC Eng. E.C.E. Information Section 
E.C.E./TR.UNG OC Eng. E.C.E. Transport Section 
ECLAUN BC Eng. Economic Commission for Latin America 
ECLACECLAC OC Eng. Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean 
 UN BC Eng. Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean 
ECONOMATLON OC Fr. Supply Branch 
EconomatWHO OC Fr. Supply Branch 
ECOSOCUNG OC Eng. Economic and Social Council 
ECOV.UNG OC Fr. Supply and Travel Section (Economat et Voyages) 
ECOV/SCAUNG OC Fr. Supply and Travel Section, ??? 
ECOV/TAAUNG OC Fr./Eng. Supply and Travel Section, Technical Assistance Administration 
ECWAUN BC Eng. Economic Commission for Western Asia 
 ECWA CON Eng. Economic Commission for Western Asia 
ED/EPPUNESCO OC Eng. Bureau for Education, Div. of Educational Policy & Planning, 
ED/LARUNESCO OC Eng. Bureau for Educ., Literacy, Adult Education & Rural Development 
EDPUN BC Eng. Electronic Data Processing and Information Systems Div. 
ED/SCM/LLEUNESCO OC Eng. Bureau for Educ., Div.of Educative Science, Contents & Methods of Educ., Life-long Education 
ED/STE/ENVUNESCO OC Eng. Bureau for Educ., Div. of Scient., Tech. & Vocat. Educ, Human Settlements & Sociocultural Environment 
ELIPACUNEP OC Eng. Environmental law and Institutions Programme Activity Centre 
ELIUUNEP OC Eng. Environmental law and Institutions Unit 
ELMUUNEP OC Eng. Environmental Law Monitoring Unit 
EMROWHO OC Eng. Eastern Mediterranean Regional Office 
ENVIR.UNG OC Eng. UN Conference on the Human Environment -Secretariat (1972) 
EOSGUN BC Eng. Executive office of the Secretary General 
EPID.LON OC Fr. Epidemiological Information Service 
EPMWHO OC Port. Paulista Medical School (Escola Paolista de Medicine), Brazil 
EQUIPROILO OC  Technical Cooperation Equipment and Subcontracting 
ERD/OPIUNNY OC Eng External Relations Division, Office of Public Information 
ESA/STATUNG OC Eng. Dept. of International Economic and Social Affairs/Statistical Office 
ESCAPESCAP OC Eng. Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (1974-date) 
 UN BC Eng. Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific 
ESCWAUN BC Eng. Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia 
ESDUN BC Eng. Electronic Services Div. 
ESD-OGSUN BC Eng. Electronic Services Div., Office of General Services 
ETONU-MEXUN Sp. UN Technical Team in Mexico (1994 Election) 
EUROWHO OC  European Regional Office 
EUROCULTUNESCO CON Eng. European Cultural Conference (1972) 

*Maintained by B. Clement. Additions, Corrections, or Questions should be directed to bclemjunior@gmail.com Revised 9/17/14