U.N. Abbreviations - H

Abbreviations and Acronyms used on Origin Cachets, Bar Codes, Conference Cancels and Cachets, etc.-

Where used: UNNY-UN New York OC-Origin Cachet Language: Eng.-English Gr.-German
UNG-UN Geneva BC-Bar Code Fr.-French Sp.-Spanish
CC-Corner Card RM-Receiving Mark It.-Italian Por.-Portugese
DM-Dispatching Mark UNV-UN Vienna Sw.-Swedish
LON-League of Nations FF-Free Frank
CON-Conference Cancel or Cachet, etc.

Abbreviation Where Used Language Meaning Image
HABITATUN CON Eng. UN Conference on Human Settlements (1976) 
 UN BC Eng. UN Centre for Human Settlements 
HABITAT IIUN CON Eng. 2nd UN Conference on Human Settlements (1996) 
HAIFAO CC Eng. Haiti 
HCRUNG OC Eng. UN High Commissioner for Refugees 
HFAUNESCO OC  Unidentified 
HIASUNRRA OC Eng. Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society 
HONUN CC Eng. Honduras 
HRUNG OC Eng. Centre for Human Rights 
 UN BC Eng. Div. for Human Rights 
HROUN Eng. Human Rights Office 
HYG.LON OC Fr. Health Section 

*Maintained by B. Clement. Additions, Corrections, or Questions should be directed to bclemjunior@gmail.com Revised 9/17/14